DOI: Kunci:
Ramadan Fasting, Physical Health, Psychological HealthAbstrak
The effect of Ramadan fasting on individuals' physical and psychological health using a combined medical and religious approach. Ramadan, a holy month in Islam, involves the practice of fasting which involves abstaining from food, drink and certain activities from dawn to dusk. In this context, our study explored the impact of Ramadan fasting on physical and psychological aspects of health, including changes in biological, psychosocial and spiritual aspects. We analyzed medical findings on the effects of fasting on the human body, such as blood sugar regulation, metabolism and blood pressure, as well as its impact on mental well-being, stress and subjective happiness. In addition, we examined religious perspectives on Ramadan fasting, including spiritual values, self-discipline and the experience of meaningfulness. This research addresses the integration of medical and religious understanding in understanding the effects of Ramadan fasting on physical and psychological health, providing holistic insights that can help individuals, medical practitioners and the general public better understand this phenomenon.
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